Dog Potty Training - Indoor Dog Potty Tips & Tricks

Potty training dogs is easiest when they are young puppies.With adult dogs and older puppies who are not housebroken, you often have more of an uphill battle because they have some undesirable habits to unlearn. There's a section on potty training dogs when they are older further down this page.

The key to success is the timing of IN and OUT. Young puppies take IN food or water and usually within 15 or 20 minutes, they pee or poop OUT.

Has your dog already been housetrained to go potty on grass?
If your dog has already been trained to go potty on grass, then these steps should help you to properly introduce your dog to his new Dog Potty Box.

Placement of the Dog Potty box is very important. For indoor placement, near a window for some sun is great. Also, where the dog potty sod can get some air & breath (near a window that can be opened on occasion). Customers instinctively want to put their box somewhere hidden, like a guest bathroom or laundry room - but if there is no air circulating & no sun exposure, you may not have much success keeping the dog potty grass alive.

If you are house training a puppy and this is their first experience with learning where you want them to go potty, you should definitely raise your box off the floor.
If you leave it flat on the floor, it can be very confusing for them and they may mistake carpeting or throw rugs with an acceptable potty place. This can turn out to be especially embarrassing if you ever want to travel with your dog or be a guest in the homes of others.

If your adult dog already knows to go potty on grass and you don't believe you will need any additional training - it is still a good idea to raise the indoor Dog Potty grass box off of the floor, just to reinforce that their potty place is separate from the rest of the floor.

You will first want to determine where you would like to set up his appropriate potty place. A Puppy Potty Box can go outdoors on a balcony or terrace, or indoors if you can place it by a window for sunlight and fresh air. (be sure to puppy proof your balcony) Once you have selected the appropriate puppy potty area - get the Puppy Potty Box set up before the puppy's arrival.

Don’t ever yell at your dog or scold your dog if they don’t use the Dog Potty pads immediately. If they associate getting yelled at with the box, chances are you have just dashed any hopes for getting them to use it. By making it a positive experience for your dog, the chances are better that you will have a positive result.

Go Here Now for Dog Potty Training Boxes, Grass, Pads...Guaranteed